Monday, November 19, 2007

Never Gain a Pound - Learn to Eat What Ever You Want

"I EAT ALL DAY LONG AND NEVER GAIN A POUND." Why It Is Important to Eat Five Meals a Day

How would you like to become that skinny person who says “I eat all day long and never gain a pound.”?

It’s true that for some people, that way of life is so natural that they never even realized that they were doing anything right. We ask them their secrets and ultimately we chalk it up to the mystery of a “great metabolism,” and wish that we had one too.

It’s not a mystery.

The truth is that anyone can maximize their metabolism not just personal trainers if they just learn to eat like a skinny person. We’re not talking about a lifelong sentence of salads and carrot sticks. We’re talking about eating little meals all day long.

From a health standpoint, one of the worst things that happened to us as a society was the advent of the three meal day that came with industrialization. The problem with eating three times a day (or fewer for some of us), is that it allows too much time to pass between meals. We let ourselves get too hungry, and then eat to overcome that sensation.

We are just innocently eating the way we were taught. Meanwhile, we are sending signals to our bodies that are not so innocent. We get overly hungry and that tells our body that there is a shortage of food; it’s time to store fat just in case. Then, we get so hungry, we eat more calories in one sitting than our body can process. Our bodies can’t discern how much to feed itself. It just knows that it can’t process it all and dumps everything we’ve eaten to fat storage as well.

The key is to eat five, small meals throughout the day to avoid the valleys and peaks of hunger and fullness (see Live’s sample nutrition plan). By providing enough calories for your metabolism to burn at a steady rate throughout the day, you are telling your body that there will always be enough food for it to burn at a higher rate and feed off of the stored fat in your body as well as the food you consume. When you combine this eating plan with exercise, you will be able to raise your metabolism even further, making you that skinny person who eats all day and never gains a pound.

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

What is the Best Alcohol to Drink When on a Diet

We have all heard to cut alcohol out of your diet when you are attempting to lose weight. Alcohol is empty calories if you look at from the calorie perspective. There are good qualities to alcohol assuming that the consumption is moderate and not associated with any addiction. Different alcohols or spirits can be a part of a good weight loss or healthy diet. The best may be the Bacardi and Diet Coke.

First we have to look at alcohol being consumed in moderation. The liver can remove 2 glasses of beer or wine, and one mixed drink per day. Sorry, you are unable to save them up to have 10 on the weekend. On the LIVE Nutrition Plan one light beer, glass of wine, or distilled spirit is one fat exchange. The average person will have 3-4 fat exchanges throughout the day. Remember what we said about your liver, using all of your fat for alcohol would not be a good idea for the health of your liver.

Alcohol has many stress relieving properties. Alcohol is a depressant which means that it will support your ability to relax. Drinking alcohol in moderation, less than two a day, has been demonstrated to lower stress so that you live longer than people who drink no alcohol. Just remember two or less.

Light Beer on a Diet

Light beer seems to be the obvious choice when on a diet. The average lite beer is less than 100 calories with some of the new ultra beers having even less. If you can keep your consumption of these beers to two or under a day this is a good choice. The problem with lite beer is the quantity that most people can drink. Many people can consume multiple light beers with ease. Though each beer has few calories they start to add up having if you have 4-6 on a night.

Microbrews on a Diet

Wow, I get to drink dark beer on a diet? Aren’t dark beers more calories? The answer is yes dark beers are more calories; the good thing is it is easier to drink just one. The average person who could drinks 5 light beers will probably only be able to drink one dark beer, and the total calories. You total calories from one dark beer will be less than the 5 light beer calorie total.

Diet Wine

Wine in moderation has been known to lower the risk of heart disease. It doesn’t seem to be wine specifically, but the stress relieving properties of alcohol, as long as they are consumed in moderation. Wine works the same as light beer, less than 100 calories per glass and one fat exchange on the LIVE diet plan.

Bacardi and Diet Coke

One Bacardi and Diet Coke has 66 calories. Two of these mixed drinks are only a few more calories than one beer. Two Bacardi and diet Cokes are a lot less caloric than many beers on the market. This isn’t Bacardi specific, most distilled spirits and diet soda are going to be around the same number of calories. Remember that even though they have less calories, your liver doesn’t care when it comes to the amount of alcohol. Moderation of 2 or less is still best. Bacardi and Diet Coke is simply the most popular, which I found out while in Puerto Rico touring the Bacardi Distillery.

Alcohol as a part of a responsible diet can be a part of a person’s weight loss program or healthy diet. Remember the key is moderation and picking drinks lower in calories. Enjoy your next party.

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